Forensic and Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Australia (FAMSACA) is a professional organisation for nurses and medical practitioners who practice in or have an interest in the area of sexual assault. FAMSACA is a not-for-profit organisation with a focus on providing education in the field of sexual assault and provides a forum in which clinicians can network and collaborate with each other and with other professionals and organisations that support victims of violence.
Noosa Queensland
Further details coming soon!
reported victims of sexual assault in Australia in 2016. This number has increased from previous years and is the highest level recorded in seven years (source: ABS, 2016).
of reported victims of sexual assault in Australia in 2016 were female (ABS, 2016).
of all reported victims of sexual assault were family and domestic violence-related sexual assaults (ABS, 2016).
FAMSACA membership is open to clinicians practising in or interested in the field of sexual assault. If you are interested in joining FAMSACA click on the link below. Please note that current AHPRA registration details are required.